Gertrudes Velasquez
Questionnaire Video | English | Questionnaire | September 10, 2018
Gertrudes is a doctoral student in the Measurement & Statistics program in the College of Education at Florida State University. He is a recipient of a Florida State University’s Legacy Fellowship.
As a former high school and undergraduate mathematics teacher, Gertrudes developed a keen interest in the development and diagnosis of learners’ problem-solving skills. He has several research interests, but he is most interested in the application of cognitive diagnostic models (CDMs) and longitudinal data analysis in educational settings to analyze change. He recently received a Psychometric Modeling Fellowship from the University of Kansas related to his research on cognitive skills of students with significant cognitive disabilities (SWSCD).
He has made conference presentations on his research at the annual meetings of the Marvalene Hughes Research in Education Conference in FSU’s College of Education, the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the Florida Educational Research Association (FERA), and the Florida Chapter of the American Statistical Association (ASA).
Gertrudes is an active member of his program’s Bayes Net Research Group and the R and Bugs User Group. He serves as a statistical consultant to College of Education students on their theses, dissertation, and research work. He is also a teaching assistant and student colloquium organizer for his program.