Maria Arango

Student Profile | English

Student Profile | Spanish

Growing up in Colombia during a civil war triggered by socio-economic and political inequalities shaped my worldview and drives my passion for studying how education can contribute to rectifying disparities, offer opportunities for development, promote reconciliation, and strengthen democracy to achieve sustainable peace. Currently, I am a third-fourth year Ph.D. student in the International and Multicultural Education major in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS), and I plan to graduate in fall 2019. The quality of education at Florida State University and my program’s strong academic and interdisciplinary component that is reflected in foundational and policy courses, and qualitative and quantitative research methods have prepared me to enter into the research field. Moreover, the opportunity to participate in two Learning System Institute projects have given me the knowledge and skills needed to analyze the implementation of educational programs. Moving forward, I plan to build on my experience through a position in an international organization focused on education where I can continue to research. My goal is to provide analysis and resources to NGOs and governments on issues such as the role of education in peace processes, conflict prevention, and civil society development.