Arya Adityan

2024 Research and Creativity Award Winner | English | Digital Narratives | June 10, 2024

Arya Adityan is a PhD student in the Department of Religion at Florida State University. Her research focuses on the indigenous traditions of South India through the study of regional oral narratives, performances, ecologies, and material culture. She is currently working as a visiting researcher in the European Research Council PURANA project on a Gonda PhD grant by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences at Leiden University.

Arya Adityan is one of the winners for the 2024 Research and Creativity Award for the disciplinary category in Humanities and Arts. The Graduate Student Research and Creativity Award (sponsored by the Graduate School) is designed to recognize the superior scholarship of FSU graduate students. FSU graduate students are recognized for their outstanding contributions to research and creative endeavors at the Celebration of Graduate Student Excellence held each spring in April. Awards are made to students in three disciplinary categories: Natural and Physical Sciences (includes mathematics and engineering), Social and Behavioral Sciences, and the Humanities and Arts.

ERC PURANA Project AIIS DIL Fellowship
