Lindsay Greene
November 2014: Lindsay Greene | English | Questionnaire | November 5, 2014
Lindsay Greene graduated with a Master of Social Work Degree from Florida State University in 2016. She is currently a first year law student at George Mason University Law School and plans to work in public service upon graduation in 2020. As a student, Lindsay was very active with the opportunities and programs available at FSU. In 2014, through the FSU Global Scholars Program she conducted a Program evaluation of a child care program in Huancayo Peru, funded by the Social Work Undergraduate Research and Creativity Award. Inspired by this experience, she conducted an honors thesis under the direction of her committee directory, Dr. Neil Abell. In April 2015, she successfully defended her thesis “The Impact of Study Abroad Experience on Sensitivity to Human Rights, Expression of Empathy, and Level of Cultural Competence.” She was privileged to speak as the 2015 Social Work Convocation Student Speaker and received the College of Social Work Leadership Award in 2015. In 2016, she worked as a graduate assistant for The Institute for Family Violence Studies contributing to the research base on family violence with the skilled Institute Team. Her experience at FSU prepared her well to pursue a career in social justice advocacy and she will be spending summer 2018 working for the Office of the Attorney General in DC in the Child Services Division as a Law Clerk.