Cassandra Kepple
GradWorld: Cassie Kepple | English | Questionnaire | October 29, 2019
Cassie Kepple is a doctoral student in the Higher Education program at Florida State University. She was born in Parkersburg, WV and has spent half her life in West Virginia as well as half her life living in New Kent, Virginia. As a doctoral student in Higher Education, Cassie serves two graduate assistantships at FSU. She works as a research assistant for Dr. Brad Cox working with college students with autism and their experiences. Cassie also works as a teaching and research assistant with Advising First. At Advising First, Cassie teaches a first-year seminar course for exploratory students, as well as researches topics in the areas of exploratory students and overall student satisfaction with advising. She has research and academic interests in the learning experiences of college students in and outside of the classroom. She is interested in the overall college experience and how institutions provide those learning experiences in different campus environments. Cassie is a recipient of the Legacy Fellowship at Florida State University. She plans on using this fellowship opportunity to help her dive into her classes and research, as well as connect with students and faculty at FSU across a wide range of disciplines. After her graduate studies, Cassie plans on working as a faculty member so she can continue to teach, advise, and research college students and their experiences.